"Mechanic Pavlograd" LLC – enterprise, whose specialization is the repair of electrical and mechanical equipment of enterprises of the mining industry of Ukraine. Availability of own production base, sufficient technological resources; an experienced and qualified team allows our company to provide a high level of quality services in the field of electrical machine repair, equipment for the mining and metallurgical complex.

"Mechanic Pavlograd" LLC offers you cooperation and is ready to perform welding and turning works for your company according to your drawings and specifications.

"Mechanic Pavlograd" LLC cooperates with "DTEK ENERGO" LLC: PJSC "DTEK Pavlogradvugilya", LLC "DTEK Dobropilliaugillia", TDV "Shakhta Bilozerska", PJSC "DTEK Dobropilska CZF" PJSC "DTEK Zhovtneva CZF", DTEK Kurakhivska TPP; enterprises of METINVEST HOLDING LLC: PJSC "PivnGZK", PJSC "CGZK", PrJSC "IngZK" PrJSC "AKHZ"; PAT "Inerpipe NTZ", PJSC "Inerpipe Dnipropetrovsk Vtormet", JSC "Zaporizhsky Plant of Ferroalloys", JSC "Marganetsky GZK", LLC "NVP-RUDPROMAVTOMATIKA", LLC "Red Army Plant “Industrial equipment”, Ltd “Pokrovsky Machzavod”; state enterprises: SE "SHU "Pivdennodonbaske No. 1", SE "Mine named after. M.S. Let's teach», SE "Toretskuvigillya", SE "Myrnogradvugilya", SE "Dobropillyavaugillya-mining", KP "Kharkiv Metropoliten" and others.